Committee Workgroups
The following five (5) Workgroups have been established based on the Vision for Success discussions and other Committee member and community input.
- Workgroup 1 (Person-centered)
- Workgroup 2 (Service Systems)
- Workgroup 3 (Workforce)
- Workgroup 4 (Data and Outcomes)
- Workgroup 5 (Lifelong Services)
*For a detailed list of potential priority areas for each workgroup, view slides 25-29.
Whether or not you were appointed to a workgroup, we encourage you to stay engaged. There are many ways to participate and provide feedback:
- Public comment opportunities are available at all committee meetings and workgroup meetings.
- Email your ideas to DSMasterPlan@chhs.ca.gov
- Let us know if you would like to host or join a roundtable discussion in your community.
- All workgroup meetings are held online via Zoom and are open to the public.
Workgroup 1
Individuals and families experience person-centered service systems they trust.
Workgroup 2
Individuals receive timely, inclusive, and seamless services across all service systems.
Workgroup 3
Individuals and their families receive services from a high-quality, stable, and person-centered workforce.
Workgroup 4
Individuals and their families experience consistent, transparent, accountable and data-driven systems that focus on outcomes.
Workgroup 5
Individuals Receive Quality, Life-Long, Person-Centered Services from Systems with Adequate Resources.
Workgroup 1 Meetings & Materials
- Register now
- Agenda:
- PowerPoint Presentation:
- Meeting Recording – Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
- Agenda:
- PowerPoint Presentation:
- Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
- Agenda:
- Presentation:
Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
- Agenda:
- Presentation:
- Homework Summaries
- Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
- Agenda
- PowerPoint Slides
- Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
Workgroup 2 Meetings & Materials
- Register now
- Agenda
- Meeting Presentation
- Agenda
- PowerPoint Slides
- Meeting Recording Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
Workgroup 3 Meetings & Materials
- Register now
- Agenda
- Presentation
- Register now
- Agenda:
- Meeting Presentation:
- Agenda:
- Meeting Presentation:
- Focus Group Summary:
- Public Comment Summary:
- Meeting Summary:
- Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
- Agenda:
- PowerPoint Slides:
- English / Spanish
- Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”. - Meeting Summary:
- Summary of Public Comments Given to Workgroup 3 on 8/9/24:
Workgroup 4 Meetings & Materials
- Register now
- Agenda:
- PowerPoint Presentation:
- Public Comment Summary:
- English/Spanish
- Meeting Summary:
- English/Spanish
- Register now
- Agenda:
- PowerPoint Presentation:
- Agenda:
- Presentation:
- Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
- Agenda:
- Meeting Presentation:
- Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
- Presentation-(English/Spanish)
- Agenda (English/Spanish)
- Recommendations:
- Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
- Agenda:
- PowerPoint Slides:
- Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
- Agenda
- PowerPoint Slides
- Meeting Recording Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
Workgroup 5 Meetings & Materials
- Register now
- Agenda:
- Meeting Presentation:
- Agenda:
- Presentation Slides:
- Priority 1 Draft Recommendations:
- Meeting Summary:
- Public Comments Summary:
- Meeting Recording
Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.
- Agenda
- PowerPoint Slides
- Meeting Recording Para escuchar esta grabación en español: haga clic en el globo blanco en la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione “Español”.)
Community Engagement
CalHHS has launched a campaign in the communities and neighborhoods across the state to engage individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, families, and system partners in the communities and neighborhoods to better understand their hopes and dreams for a 21st century developmental services system.
This Master Plan will not be developed in a vacuum in Sacramento, instead, it will meet people where they are to collectively learn about their lived experiences and use that to help shape the future of this system—a system that looks to provide culturally responsive services which meet the diverse needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.
If you would like to host a roundtable discussion in your community or have recommendations of places or communities for us to highlight, please email us at DSMasterPlan@chhs.ca.gov.
A list of community engagement sessions attended with dates and who they spoke with is being developed and will be added to this section.