California Health and Human Services

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California Health & Human Services Agency
The California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) oversees departments and state entities that support California’s most vulnerable. Our mission is to work together with counties, cities, and communities, as well as our public, private, faith, and educational partners to make California a healthy, vibrant, inclusive place to live, play, work, and learn.
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988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
988 Lifeline is an easy to remember three-digit number that anyone can call to receive support when experiencing a suicidal, mental health and/or substance use- related crisis. To reach the Lifeline, people can call or text 988 or chat at Lifeline (
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Children & Youth Behavioral Health Initiative
The goal of the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative is to reimagine mental health and emotional well-being for ALL children, youth, and families in California by delivering equitable, appropriate, timely and accessible behavioral health services and supports.
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The CARE (Community Assistance, Recovery & Empowerment) Act creates a new pathway to deliver mental health and substance use disorder services to the most severely impaired Californians who too often suffer in homelessness or incarceration without treatment. The CARE Act moves care and support upstream, providing the most vulnerable Californians with access to critical behavioral health services, housing and support.
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The Next Step to Transform California’s Behavioral Health System
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Sign the Data Exchange Framework’s Data Sharing Agreement Today
Today, social and human services providers and other healthcare entities can take the first step by signing the DxF’s DSA – a signed agreement between hospitals, physician organizations and medical groups, skilled nursing facilities, health plans and disability insurers, clinical laboratories, and acute psychiatric hospitals to share patient information safely.
Take the First Step Today
BenefitsCal is a simple way for Californians to apply for, view, and renew benefits for health coverage, food and cash assistance. Now it’s easier than ever to get the help you need.
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California Health & Human Services Agency
The California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) oversees departments and state entities that support California’s most vulnerable. Our mission is to work together with counties, cities, and communities, as well as our public, private, faith, and educational partners to make California a healthy, vibrant, inclusive place to live, play, work, and learn.
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988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
988 Lifeline is an easy to remember three-digit number that anyone can call to receive support when experiencing a suicidal, mental health and/or substance use- related crisis. To reach the Lifeline, people can call or text 988 or chat at Lifeline (
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Children & Youth Behavioral Health Initiative
The goal of the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative is to reimagine mental health and emotional well-being for ALL children, youth, and families in California by delivering equitable, appropriate, timely and accessible behavioral health services and supports.
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The CARE (Community Assistance, Recovery & Empowerment) Act creates a new pathway to deliver mental health and substance use disorder services to the most severely impaired Californians who too often suffer in homelessness or incarceration without treatment. The CARE Act moves care and support upstream, providing the most vulnerable Californians with access to critical behavioral health services, housing and support.
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Sign the Data Exchange Framework’s Data Sharing Agreement Today
The DxF is an opportunity to create equitable and affordable health information exchange, so that patients, providers, and other healthcare entities can access the health information they need to receive and provide timely, effective, whole person care. And, today, social and human services providers and other healthcare entities can take the first step by signing the DxF’s DSA – a signed agreement between hospitals, physician organizations and medical groups, skilled nursing facilities, health plans and disability insurers, clinical laboratories, and acute psychiatric hospitals to share patient information safely. California Health and Safety code requires most providers and healthcare entities to sign the DSA by January 31, 2023.
Take the First Step Today
BenefitsCal is a simple way for Californians to apply for, view, and renew benefits for health coverage, food and cash assistance. Now it’s easier than ever to get the help you need.
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Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative

The Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative was announced in July 2021 with a $4.4B investment to enhance, expand and redesign the systems that support behavioral health for children and youth.

The goal of the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative is to reimagine mental health and emotional well-being for ALL children, youth, and families in California by delivering equitable, appropriate, timely and accessible behavioral health services and supports.

The Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative will be the combined effort of the California Department of Health Care Services, California Department of Health Care Access and Information, California Department of Managed Health Care, California Department of Public Health, and Office of Surgeon General in partnership with other CalHHS departments, State agencies and a wide range of stakeholders, with coordination provided by CalHHS.

For more information, visit the Children and Youth Behavioral Health webpage.

Competitive Integrated Employment

The California Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Blueprint is the combined effort of the California Department of Rehabilitation, California Department of Education, and California Department of Developmental Services in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders including Disability Rights of California, with leadership provided by CalHHS. The purpose of the Blueprint is to increase opportunities for Californians with ID/DD to prepare for and participate in CIE.

Please visit the Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) page for more information.

Data Exchange Framework

Governor Newsom’s signature on AB 133 puts California on the path to building its first-ever, statewide Health and Human Services Data Exchange Framework — a single data sharing agreement and common set of policies and procedures that will govern the exchange of health information among health care entities and government agencies beginning in June 2024.

For more information, visit the Data Exchange Framework webpage.

Master Plan for Aging

Recognizing that California’s over-65 population is projected to grow to 8.6 million by 2030, Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order calling for the creation of a Master Plan for Aging (MPA). The Master Plan will serve as a blueprint that can be used by state government, local communities, private organizations and philanthropy to build environments that promote an age friendly California.

The MPA was released on January 6, 2021. It outlines five bold goals and twenty-three strategies to build a California for All Ages by 2030. To drive implementation, Agencies across the Administration have committed to 123 action-ready initiatives for implementation in 2021-2022. 

For more information, visit the Master Plan for Aging webpage.

Master Plan for Early Learning and Care

California For All Kids is the state’s effort to develop a comprehensive Master Plan for Early Learning and Care that can be implemented and sustained for the benefit of all children and families. From parent perspectives, community organizing, curriculum, equitable access, social justice, financing, and policy—California For All Kids brings the best of what experts in the state know and combines it with listening to the needs of parents and communities. This will help California plan a system that works from the ground up and empowers parents to develop children capable of seizing opportunities in school, career, and life.

For more information, visit the Master Plan for Early Learning and Care webpage.

System of Care for Children and Youth

We have worked with our state, county, and local partners to better serve children and youth who are receiving services from multiple public programs. Our goal is simple: our programs must meet the needs of the children and youth we serve. These are our collective children, and they all deserve the very best.

We recognize that it is our obligation to ensure that the services we are providing are coordinated, timely, and trauma-informed. We must come together as one government to break down silos and build a culture that is focused on delivering services that are person-centered and not program-centered.

For more information, visit the System of Care webpage.