California Health and Human Services

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California Health & Human Services Agency
The California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) oversees departments and state entities that support California’s most vulnerable. Our mission is to work together with counties, cities, and communities, as well as our public, private, faith, and educational partners to make California a healthy, vibrant, inclusive place to live, play, work, and learn.
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988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
988 Lifeline is an easy to remember three-digit number that anyone can call to receive support when experiencing a suicidal, mental health and/or substance use- related crisis. To reach the Lifeline, people can call or text 988 or chat at Lifeline (
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Children & Youth Behavioral Health Initiative
The goal of the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative is to reimagine mental health and emotional well-being for ALL children, youth, and families in California by delivering equitable, appropriate, timely and accessible behavioral health services and supports.
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The CARE (Community Assistance, Recovery & Empowerment) Act creates a new pathway to deliver mental health and substance use disorder services to the most severely impaired Californians who too often suffer in homelessness or incarceration without treatment. The CARE Act moves care and support upstream, providing the most vulnerable Californians with access to critical behavioral health services, housing and support.
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The Next Step to Transform California’s Behavioral Health System
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Sign the Data Exchange Framework’s Data Sharing Agreement Today
Today, social and human services providers and other healthcare entities can take the first step by signing the DxF’s DSA – a signed agreement between hospitals, physician organizations and medical groups, skilled nursing facilities, health plans and disability insurers, clinical laboratories, and acute psychiatric hospitals to share patient information safely.
Take the First Step Today
BenefitsCal is a simple way for Californians to apply for, view, and renew benefits for health coverage, food and cash assistance. Now it’s easier than ever to get the help you need.
Apply now
California Health & Human Services Agency
The California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) oversees departments and state entities that support California’s most vulnerable. Our mission is to work together with counties, cities, and communities, as well as our public, private, faith, and educational partners to make California a healthy, vibrant, inclusive place to live, play, work, and learn.
Learn more
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
988 Lifeline is an easy to remember three-digit number that anyone can call to receive support when experiencing a suicidal, mental health and/or substance use- related crisis. To reach the Lifeline, people can call or text 988 or chat at Lifeline (
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Children & Youth Behavioral Health Initiative
The goal of the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative is to reimagine mental health and emotional well-being for ALL children, youth, and families in California by delivering equitable, appropriate, timely and accessible behavioral health services and supports.
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The CARE (Community Assistance, Recovery & Empowerment) Act creates a new pathway to deliver mental health and substance use disorder services to the most severely impaired Californians who too often suffer in homelessness or incarceration without treatment. The CARE Act moves care and support upstream, providing the most vulnerable Californians with access to critical behavioral health services, housing and support.
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Sign the Data Exchange Framework’s Data Sharing Agreement Today
The DxF is an opportunity to create equitable and affordable health information exchange, so that patients, providers, and other healthcare entities can access the health information they need to receive and provide timely, effective, whole person care. And, today, social and human services providers and other healthcare entities can take the first step by signing the DxF’s DSA – a signed agreement between hospitals, physician organizations and medical groups, skilled nursing facilities, health plans and disability insurers, clinical laboratories, and acute psychiatric hospitals to share patient information safely. California Health and Safety code requires most providers and healthcare entities to sign the DSA by January 31, 2023.
Take the First Step Today
BenefitsCal is a simple way for Californians to apply for, view, and renew benefits for health coverage, food and cash assistance. Now it’s easier than ever to get the help you need.
Apply now

Center for Data Insights & Innovation


The Center for Data Insights and Innovation (CDII) was established in 2020 to advance California Health & Human Services Agency’s (CalHHS) data initiatives. CDII continues to develop data-driven products and services designed to improve data sharing while providing data privacy guidance throughout CalHHS. CDII’s mission is to better the lives of ALL Californians by turning data into insights, knowledge and equitable action.

For more information, visit the Center for Data Insights and Innovation website.

Data Exchange Framework

The Data Exchange Framework (DxF) is an opportunity to create equitable and affordable health information exchange, so that patients, providers, and other healthcare entities can access the health information they need, wherever they are and whenever they need it.

The DxF DSA Signing Portal is now open for providers and healthcare entities to take the first step for better health information exchange. The DSA is a signed agreement between hospitals, physician organizations and medical groups, skilled nursing facilities, health plans and disability insurers, clinical laboratories, and acute psychiatric hospitals to share patient information safely.

California Health and Safety code requires most providers and healthcare entities to sign the DSA by January 31, 2023.

Take the first step today. Visit the CalHHS Data Sharing Agreement Signing Portal to sign the DSA. 

CalHHS Open Data Portal

Image link to Open Data Portal

CalHHS launched its Open Data initiative to increase public access to one of the State’s most valuable assets—non-confidential health and human services data.

Data News on Twitter
Follow @CHHSDataNews on Twitter for updates on new datasets.

CalHHS Program Dashboard
The Dashboard contains participation data related to seven California Health & Human Services agency programs.

Open Data Catalog
This is a catalog of all resources currently available on the Open Data Portal.

CalHHS Data Playbook

Image link to Data Playbook

The Playbook is a mechanism to disseminate best practices and lessons learned across the Agency, consisting of resources and toolkits to help staff navigate data projects and discuss data-related topics in nontechnical language.

Data De-Identification Guidelines

The CalHHS Data De-Identification Guidelines describe a procedure to be used by Departments and offices in the Agency to assess data for public release.

Data Sharing Framework

Data sharing at CalHHS is governed by the CalHHS data exchange agreement, which includes one master agreement and subordinate “Business Use Case Proposals” containing the specific business case to document each data exchange under the master agreement.

Record Reconciliation

The goal of CalHHS Record Reconciliation is to link and organize administrative, client-level records to improve statistical analysis of CalHHS clients.