Equity Work Group

Equity Tool
Meeting Information
Equity Work Group (EWG)
This work group will advise on MPA deliverables through an equity lens, in keeping with the MPA vision, mission, and values and the changing demographics of aging. The EWG will meet a projected four times in the next six months to advise on the MPA deliverables, with participation either in person in Sacramento or via Zoom webinar.
Reasonable Accommodation:
Any person who wishes to receive meeting materials in an alternative format, requires translation services, or needs any disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, which would enable that person to participate at the meeting must make that request at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting date to: EngAGE@aging.ca.gov.
Equity Work Group
August 19, 2020
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Meeting Materials:
Did you miss the “California for All Ages” Virtual Town Hall on Combatting Ageism and Promoting Equity? You can check out the video recording and presentation slides below to catch up.
Our Virtual Town Hall featured the following expert panelists:
- Shireen McSpadden, San Francisco Human Services Agency
- Janet Spears, Metta Fund
- Kate Kuckro, Community Living Campaign
- Kelly Dearman, San Francisco In Home Support Services Public Authority
June 24, 2020
April 3, 2020
February 13, 2020:
View a list of the Equity Work Group members.
For any other comments or questions, please contact EngAGE@aging.ca.gov.