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Master Plan for Aging

About The Master Plan for Aging (MPA)

Recognizing that California’s over-65 population is projected to grow to 8.6 million by 2030, Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order calling for the creation of a Master Plan for Aging (MPA). The Master Plan will serve as a blueprint that can be used by state government, local communities, private organizations and philanthropy to build environments that promote an age friendly California.

The MPA was released on January 6th, 2021. It outlines five bold goals and twenty-three strategies to build a California for All Ages by 2030. To drive implementation, Agencies across the Administration have committed to 123 action-ready initiatives for implementation in 2021-2022. Visit the MPA website to view each of these initiatives; the Data Dashboard for Aging, which will track the MPA’s progress over ten years; and a Local Playbook to drive local age- and disability-friendly planning and action.

Visit the Master Plan for Aging website for updates and progress reports.  

Master Plan for Aging Public & Stakeholder Engagement


Building a CA for ALL Ages and Abilities Together

Six key stakeholder advisory committees advise on MPA implementation, providing recommendations to CalHSS and the Administration on matters of aging and disability services, programs, and policies.  Meetings are open to the public and materials are available online. For more information, including meeting dates, please visit the stakeholder webpages below:

In 2022, the CA Department of Aging hosted a Webinar Wednesdays series to highlight key strategies of the Master Plan for Aging (MPA) and to inform the development of MPA’s 2023-2024 initiatives. These webinars were an opportunity for the public and stakeholders to provide valuable input into MPA implementation, as well as share best practices, key considerations, challenges, and opportunities.

Each webinar featured aging and disability leaders for an in-depth discussion, including time for Q&A with the audience.

June 8, 2022: Alzheimer’s and Dementia in Focus

A discussion on Challenges, Opportunities, and Equity in Alzheimer’s Care & Delivery Service with:

  • Corinne Eldridge, President & CEO, Center for Caregiver Advancement
  • Darrick Lam, President & CEO, ACC Senior Services and Vice Chair, CA Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders Advisory Committee
  • Andrea Robert, Member, CA Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders Advisory Committee
  • Natasha Stevens, Health Education Program Coordinator, Placer County Healthy Brain Initiative
  • Edie Yau, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Engagement, Alzheimer’s Association
  • Presentation
  • Recording

May 4, 2022 Advancing Age-Inclusive Health Systems

This webinar highlighted best practices and opportunities for strengthening health systems to make them more age -inclusive.

Moderator: Sarah Steenhausen, CA Department of Aging

Presenters and Panelists: Zia Agha, MD, West Health Institute; Gretchen Alkema, PhD, The SCAN Foundation; Janet Frank, DrPH, California Commission on Aging; Jennie Chin Hansen, RN, Former CEO of the American Geriatric Society; and Laura Mosqueda, MD, Keck School of Medicine, USC.

April 6, 2022: Reimagining Nursing Homes: Emerging Federal and State Opportunities

California has an opportunity to reframe and reform how services are delivered to residents of its nursing homes. This webinar includes an overview of emerging federal and state initiatives related to nursing home reform, followed by an in-depth discussion with panelists representing consumer advocates, LTC Ombudsmen, family caregivers, and providers.

Moderator: Sarah Steenhausen, California Department of Aging

Presenters and Panelists: Blanca Castro, California State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; Eric Carlson, Directing Attorney, Justice in Aging; Heather Craig, Executive Director, Eskaton Care Center, Greenhaven; Nicole Howell, Executive Director, Empowered Aging & 2021-22 Health and Aging Policy Fellow; Holly Lewis, Caregiver & Advocate

March 9th, 2022: CalAIM Community Supports: Leveraging Aging and Disability Partnerships

California’s Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) initiative offers new opportunities to partner with Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans to expand capacity for the delivery of community supports to older adults and people with disabilities. A panel of experts share best practices and considerations for success.

Moderator: Sarita Mohanty, The SCAN Foundation

Panelists: Michael Costa, Executive Director, California Association of Area Agencies on Aging (C4A); Eli Gelardin, CEO, Marin Center for Independent Living and Chair, CA ADRC Advisory Committee; Ben Jauregui, Manager, Behavioral Health & Care Management Support Services, Inland Empire Health Plan; Kristie Kulinski, Team Lead, Office of Network Advancement, Administration for Community Living; Anwar Zouheid, Vice President, Partners in Care Foundation

February 1, 2022: Advancements in California’s Direct Care Workforce

CDA, on behalf of CalHHS, together with LWDA,  hosted a webinar to share with our stakeholders the historic budget investments in California’s direct care workforce. Representatives from both agencies currently implementing workforce initiatives presented progress on the efforts underway to recruit, train, and compensate California’s direct care workforce.

Master Plan for Aging Implementation & Oversight


The Implementing the Master Plan for Aging in CA Together (IMPACT) Stakeholder Committee will advise the California Health and Human Services Agency on the implementation of the Master Plan for Aging, focusing on accountability, outcomes, and continuous improvement towards the Plan’s five bold goals for 2030.

The Master Plan for Aging outlines five bold goals and twenty-three strategies to build a California for All Ages by 2030. To drive implementation, Agencies across the Administration have committed to 123 action-ready initiatives for implementation in 2021-2022. Visit the MPA website to view each of these initiatives. The MPA’s progress will be tracked over ten years using the Data Dashboard for Aging, which was created in alignment with the Master Plan.

Policies, programs, and partnerships that advance specific MPA initiatives and goals will continue to be led by the respective agencies & departments, stakeholders, legislators, and partners.  Examples of key stakeholder committees for MPA success include, among others, the CHHS Disability and Aging Community Living Advisory Committee (Initiative 43), CHHS Alzheimer’s Advisory Committee (Initiative 67), CDA Equity in Aging Advisory Committee (Initiative 80), CDA Aging and Disability Resource Connections Advisory Committee (Initiative 98), and the California Commission on Aging

There are also new stakeholder forums in formation per the MPA, including the Direct Care Workforce Solutions Table (Initiative 111) and the Elder & Disability Justice Coordinating Council (Initiative 93). 

Additionally, there are a range of ongoing and emerging stakeholder work groups addressing priorities for older adults and adults with disabilities. For example, nursing home and congregate care (covering multiple initiatives),  strengthening aging hubs/Area Agency on Aging leadership structures (initiative 101), and building university research partnerships (Initiative 102), among others. 

For information about any of these workgroups and engagement opportunities, send an email to

For specific Agency or Department stakeholder engagement opportunities related to aging and disability, please contact the lead Agency or Department directly (or email for assistance).

On July 1st, 2021, the Implementing the MPA in California Together (IMPACT) Stakeholder Committee was announced, with membership representing diverse areas of expertise and experience in aging, disability, and racial justice programs, operations, services, and policy. This committee will advise the California Health and Human Services Agency on the implementation of the Master Plan for Aging, focusing on accountability, outcomes, and continuous improvement towards the Plan’s five bold goals for 2030.

IMPACT Stakeholder Committee Membership:

View the IMPACT Stakeholder Committee Member Biographies.

The IMPACT Stakeholder Committee meets on the following dates in 2025. All meetings are held virtually and open to the public. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting is available and closed captioning is provided via the Zoom webinar. Meeting agendas are posted in advance of the meeting. 2025 meeting materials and recordings are posted under the Current IMPACT Stakeholder Committee Meeting Materials tab following each meeting.

January 30, 2025 10am – 12pm

May 15, 2025 10am – 12pm

September 11, 2025 10am – 12pm


CA Aging & Disability Research Partnership (CADRP)


On January 6th, 2021, Governor Newsom released the Master Plan for Aging (MPA), outlining five bold goals for 2030 and over 100 action-ready initiatives for implementation in 2021-2022. MPA Initiative 102 calls for the California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) to “facilitate a nation-leading research partnership on aging with California’s universities.”  This initiative is consistent with the MPA Stakeholder Advisory Committee and Research Subcommittee’s Research Agenda Recommendations.

Accordingly, the California Department of Aging (CDA), in collaboration with the Center for Data Insights & Innovation (CDII) and other departments within the California Health & Human Services Agency, has established the California Aging and Disability Research Partnership (CADRP) comprised of experts in aging and disability research from leading academic institutions, state government, and philanthropy.

The primary purpose of the Partnership is as follows:

  1. Advance age- and disability-focused research to strengthen the evidence base for promoting equitable opportunities for Californians to thrive as they age;
  2. Provide input on key performance indicators and data sources to inform MPA Outcomes Reports and the Data Dashboard for Aging; and
  3. Model a research partnership between California state government and academic institutions focused on using data for action and equity that can be replicated across other CalHHS person-centered, data-driven priorities.

View the roster of Stakeholder Members of the CA Aging & Disability Research Partnership.

The following departments within California Health and Human Services Agency are invited to delegate ex-oficio members to serve on the Partnership:

  • Center for Data Insights & Innovation (CDII
  • Department of Aging (CDA)
  • Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
  • Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)
  • Department of Public Health (CDPH)
  • Department of Social Services (CDSS)

The CA Aging and Disability Research Partnership meetings are held virtually and open to the public. Please send requests for American Sign Language interpretation to at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.

Slides, video recordings, and transcripts are posted under the Past CADRP Meeting Materials tab following the each meeting.


Equity Advisory Committee on Aging and Disability (EACAD)


The purpose of the Equity Advisory Committee on Aging and Disability (EACAD) is to advise the Administration on the implementation of the MPA, as well as the CA Department of Aging on the planning and implementation of aging and disability programs, services, data collection, and staff development. Learn more about the purpose and operations of the EACAD.

See a complete full list of the EACAD members and their biographies.

The Equity Advisory Committee on Aging & Disability (EACAD) meets on the following dates in 2025. All meetings are held virtually and open to the public. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting is available and closed captioning is provided via the Zoom webinar. Meeting agendas are posted in advance of the meeting. 2025 meeting materials and recordings are posted under the Current EACAD Meeting Materials tab following each meeting.

February 13, 2025 10am – 12pm

June 5, 2025 10am – 12pm

October 2, 2025 10am – 12pm

2025 meeting materials and recordings are posted under the Current EACAD Meeting Materials tab following each meeting.

MPA Development: Stakeholder & Public Engagement

The Master Plan for Aging was developed between June 2019 and December 2020. Stakeholders and the public played key roles in shaping this plan that will guide California in building a state for ALL ages. The Together We EngAGE campaign collected input from the public and our stakeholders via meetings, community and legislative roundtables, surveys, emails, summits, and Webinar Wednesdays. From July 10 -24th, 2020, the California Department of Aging collected input specifically on how COVID-19 has affected the lives of Californians and how these lessons learned should inform the Master Plan.

To view the Public Engagement activities, including the recordings of Webinar Wednesdays, please visit the Master Plan for Aging Public Engagement Activities and the Stakeholder & Public Feedback pages.

MPA Development: Stakeholder Advisory Committees & Subcommittees

The Governor’s Executive Order called for the creation of a Stakeholder Advisory Committee, a Long-Term Services & Supports Subcommittee, and a Research Subcommittee. In early 2020, the SAC determined a need for an advisory body that would ensure that an equity-lens is applied to the SAC’s recommendations to the Administration. The Equity Work Group formed and began meeting in February 2020. Each of these committees’’ meetings were open to the public and public comment was encouraged.

For more information about these committees and their recommendations to the Master Plan for Aging, please visit the MPA Stakeholder Advisory Committees Page.