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CalHHS Releases Annual Report of the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI)

SACRAMENTO – The ‘CYBHI 2023: Implementing the Vision’ Annual Report released by the California Health & Human Services Agency (CalHHS) and its departments and offices exemplifies California’s deep commitment to reimagine the way we meet the behavioral health needs of children, youth, and families.

Joint Statement from CalHHS Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly and CYBHI Director Dr. Sohil Sud:

“The Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative is a part of historic investments to redefine the way our child and family-serving systems help children, youth and families thrive. Launched in 2021, this five-year initiative serves as the core of Governor Newsom’s Master Plan for Kids’ Mental Health.

Our collective work in 2023 laid the foundation for a more coordinated, youth-centered, equitable, prevention-oriented, and accessible system – a system in which young people can find the support they need when, where, and in the way they need most. Achieving this requires all of us, across systems and disciplines, to work in partnership. We’ve already made substantial progress, and together we can create the transformative change we know is possible and make a lasting difference in the health and well-being of all California kids and families. 

We look forward to continuing this work in 2024. From building a larger and more diverse behavioral health workforce, to expanding access to behavioral health services, to launching public awareness campaigns that address mental health stigma, toxic stress, and suicide prevention, and much more.

California will continue to prioritize the health and wellbeing of children, youth and families.”

CYBHI 2023: Implementing the Vision Annual Report Highlights:

View the full CYBHI 2023: Implementing the Vision Annual Report now.