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Wellness Wednesday


Featured Wellness Wednesday Video

California Health & Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly presents this mindful breathing exercise for Wellness Wednesday featuring Fresno teacher Everardo Pedraza.

For more Wellness Wednesday videos, view the next tab or visit the CalHHS YouTube channel.

Mindfulness activities for children

Tools designed to help kids manage stress:

  1. Breathing activities for kids, check out this fun video modeling this activity for parents and caregivers 
  2. Cool-down corner
  3. Grounding techniques for kids
  4. Meditation for kids

Practice mindfulness (for adults and teens) who have experienced  Adverse Childhood Experiences and toxic stress:

  1.  Try out these 2 and 3-minute videos called “Digital Wellness Breaks” for Release and Relaxation and Check-in and Relaxation for teens and adults.
    • Spanish site  (videos are in English only, but Spanish subtitles can be turned on)
  2. Three Grounding Tools to Manage Anxiety for adults with ACEs and toxic stress (8 minutes). This video was made specifically for Number Story with adults with ACEs and toxic stress in mind from our partners at Yoga Ed. Video is in English only, but Spanish subtitles can be turned on.
  3. Write It Down (English site) and in Spanish

A Mindful Moment with California’s Acting Surgeon General

Prioritizing rest and relaxation can do wonders for our minds and bodies. Join California’s Acting Surgeon General Dr. Bhushan as she guides us through an outdoor mindful exercise that engages each of our 5 senses.

Dr. Bhushan Highlights Stress Busters During Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

Watch Acting Surgeon General Dr. Devika Bhushan discuss 5 ways kids and caregivers can reduce stress and recharge during Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week and beyond.

Yoga Ed Mindfulness

No matter what feelings we have, we can use yoga and mindfulness to listen to how we feel and help us to feel better in our minds and bodies. Join Joel from Yoga Ed—an educational company that provides yoga and mindfulness tools for individuals working with today’s youth—as he teachers children about yoga and mindfulness as a way to help understand and manage our feelings.

Mindfulness & Mindful Breathing Exercise for Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

California Health & Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly presents this mindful breathing exercise for Wellness Wednesday featuring Fresno teacher Everardo Pedraza.