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Disability and Aging Community Living Advisory Committee


All people, regardless of disability or age, should be able to live independently and participate fully in their communities. Every person should have the right to make choices and to control the decisions in and about their lives. This right to make decisions about their homes and work, as well as all the other daily choices most adults make without a second thought.


The purpose of the Disability and Aging Community Living Advisory Committee (“Committee”) is to advance community living, inclusion, and integration across California. California is committed to community living for all, rooted in both the Olmstead Supreme Court decision of 1999 and in California’s values of inclusion, access, and equity.

The Committee will ensure the involvement of individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities, older adults, and/or other partners who provide services or represent consumers. The Committee will advise the California Health & Human Services Agency (CalHHS), in addition to other state entities, on community living policies and programs, including but not limited to long-term services and supports, transportation and housing, and employment opportunities.


The Olmstead Advisory Committee was originally established within the CHHS in 2005. In March 2021, the Committee is being renamed to the “Disability and Aging Community Living Advisory Committee” to better reflect and communicate the vision and purpose of the Committee. The Committee builds upon the work of the California Olmstead Plan released in 2012, the Governor’s Alzheimer’s Prevention and Preparedness Task Force Report issued in November 2020, and the Governor’s Master Plan for Aging issued in January 2021.


On June 22, 1999, the United States Supreme Court held in Olmstead v. L.C. that unjustified segregation of persons with disabilities constitutes discrimination in violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Court held that public entities must provide community-based services to persons with disabilities when (1) such services are appropriate; (2) the affected persons do not oppose community-based treatment; and (3) community-based services can be reasonably accommodated, taking into account the resources available to the public entity and the needs of others who are receiving disability services from the entity.

The Olmstead case started with two women, Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson, who had mental illness and developmental disabilities, and were voluntarily admitted to the psychiatric unit in the State-run Georgia Regional Hospital. Following the women’s medical treatment there, mental health professionals stated that each was ready to move to a community-based program. However, the women remained confined in the institution, each for several years after the initial treatment was concluded. They filed suit under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for release from the hospital.


Members of the Disability and Aging Community Living Advisory Committee are appointed by the Secretary of CalHHS. See full list of Members and their biographies.

The Committee will comprise of no more than 40 Members representing consumers, family members, providers, and advocates. The Membership is to reflect California’s diversity and to provide expertise in the many aspects of community living.

Members will be appointed for a two (2) year period and will be eligible for reappointment for a second and final two (2) year term. Members of the Committee serve on a volunteer basis without compensation.

Members shall not accrue more than two absences from Committee meetings within one year. If such member is absent from more than two meetings, he or she shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee and the co-chairs shall appoint a new member.

The Committee will constitute of a State Chair, which will be a CalHHS Department Director, who oversees programs or services serving older adults and people with disabilities, as well as two Stakeholder Co-Chairs one representing the disability community and the other the aging community, both will be Members of the Committee.

The state Co-Chair role will rotate every two (2) years with the inaugural Co-Chair to be the Director of the California Department of Aging. The following CalHHS Department Directors will be appointed as Members to the Committee:

  • Director of the California Department of Aging;
  • Director of the California Department of Developmental Services;
  • Director of the California Department of Health Care Services;
  • Director of the California Department of Public Health;
  • Director of the California Department of Rehabilitation;
  • Director of the California Department of Social Services; and
  • Director of the California Department of State Hospitals.

The CalHHS Secretary will designate the Deputy Secretary for Program and Fiscal Affairs as his or her designee to serve on the Committee. The Secretary will join periodically to hear the conversation and provide update to the Committee on the work of the Agency.

Finally, given the intersection between other areas of state government, the Secretaries of the following state agencies will be asked to designate a representative to serve on the Committee:

  • California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency;
  • California State Transportation Agency;
  • California Labor and Workforce Development Agency;
  • California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services; and
  • California Department of Veterans Affairs.


All meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public. 

Meetings are conducted virtually.

Meetings will aim to adhere to principles of inclusion, collaboration, and effectiveness, including:

  • Meetings seek to provide a collegial environment to allow for the expression of diverse and innovative points-of-view from all members.
  • Meetings aim to support open communication and active collaboration between Committee members and the Administration.
  • Meeting areas will coordinate with, and not duplicate, the work of other committees and independent councils on disability and aging.
  • Members’ consistent attendance at the meetings and active participation in Committee work before, during, and after meetings is encouraged.
  • A person-centered, data-driven, and equity-lens approach is encouraged as reflected in CalHHS’ Guiding Principles.

Subcommittees may be appointed by the Co-Chairs. Subcommittees may be composed of Committee Members as well as non-Members who have subject matter expertise or lived experience.

For questions and inquiries, please contact

Meetings and Materials


The Disability and Aging Community Living Advisory Committee (DACLAC) holds three (3) meetings per calendar year. Meetings are held virtually and open to the public. American Sign Language (ASL) and closed captioning are provided. Meeting agendas are posted under the Upcoming DACLAC Meetings tab in advance of each meeting. Meeting slide presentations, transcripts, video recordings, and any other meeting materials are posted under the tab, Current DACLAC Meeting Materials following each meeting.

Please see the Upcoming DACLAC Meetings tab for meeting dates and registration information.

The DACLAC Stakeholder Committee will meet again in 2025. The 2025 meeting dates will be posted when finalized. All meetings are held virtually and open to the public.

DACLAC Subcommittees

The Disability and Aging Community Living Advisory Committee (DACLAC) has three (3) stakeholder-led subcommittees that work to advance community living, inclusion, and integration across California.

  1. Home and Community-Based Services Subcommittee
  2. Housing Subcommittee
  3. Transportation Subcommittee

DACLAC subcommittees meetings are open to the public. For subcommittee information, including meeting frequency and how to join, please email In your email, indicate your subcommittee(s) of interest, your name and email address. Your email will be forwarded to the subcommittee chair(s) for follow-up.