CalHHS 2022-23 Enacted Budget Highlights

Health & Human Services
At CalHHS, we strive to create programs and services that are person centered, equity focused, and data driven. In order to maintain our collective focus on the person being served, we follow our guiding principles and strategic priorities.
Over the last four years total funding for California’s health and human services programs and services have grown over 45 percent. This unprecedented investment in our health and human services programs will dramatically advance our ability to improve the lives of All Californians.
The 2021 Budget Act provided tremendous opportunities to make investments to improve the lives of all Californians, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable. Through the 2021 Budget Act, we made investments that focus our programs on the whole person – such as beginning CalAIM implementation and making historic investments in home and community-based programs – and to expand our ability to improve equity in California – such as by expanding full scope Medi-Cal to undocumented older adults.
The 2022 Budget Act builds upon this work, by making bold investments to protect our most vulnerable communities – such as providing housing for homeless individuals with serious behavioral health issues, addressing the urgent youth mental health crisis that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and expanding Medi-Cal eligibility to all income eligible Californians. We’ve also been able to make investments that will address the upstream causes of health and human services needs in communities that have been deeply impacted by COVID-19 – such as building up our public health infrastructure. Finally, in order to ensure we will have a sufficient and culturally competent workforce to implement the programs we’re investing in, we have laid the foundation by making a substantial investment in our health and human services workforce.
As we move forward, CalHHS and our departments and offices will leverage these new investments to strengthen our existing programs and push ourselves to break down silos between programs, so that we are truly focused on the needs of those we serve as we work to build a California for All.